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The Spanish Wind Energy Association positively values the recently approved RDL 23/2020 that promotes the role of wind power in the Spanish economic revival
The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) appreciates the approval of the Royal Decree Law by the Council of Ministers. It is an important step in the process of activating the renewable sector as a lever for economic growth throughout the Spanish territory. AEE valuations on the RDL 23/2020 by which measures are approved to promote renewable...
The wind energy sector evaluates the approval of the proposal for the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition
• Once the Law is approved, the path that the Spanish energy sector and society must travel towards emission-free energy consumption by 2050 will be established and agreed upon • The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) appreciates the approval of the proposed law by the Council of Ministers and its referral to the Cortes • It is an important...
By 2030, wind power in Spain will supply more than 30% of electricity with an installed capacity of 40 GW
AEE has developed the analysis 'The necessary elements for an energy transition. Proposals for the electricity sector'. This document has recently been sent to the Spanish Committee of Experts for Energy Transition. With it, AEE aims at making specific and realistic proposals on the contribution of wind power for 2020, 2030 and 2050. To consult...
7th Report on accidents in Spanish Wind sector (2007-2016)
The seventh edition of this report is a continuation of the documents developed by the Working Group on Prevention of Occupational Hazards of AEE since 2007. For the sector, it is important to know the main indicators of occupational accidents that wind suffers because, in this way , reinforces the internal culture of risk prevention and...
8th Report on accidents in Spanish Wind sector (2007-2017)
The eigth edition of this report is a continuation of the documents developed by the Working Group on Prevention of Occupational Hazards of AEE since 2007. For the sector, it is important to know the main indicators of occupational accidents that wind suffers because, in this way , reinforces the internal culture of risk prevention and...
The Spanish wind power sector believes in the collaboration of all players to install in the next two years the more than 4,600 MW awarded in tenders between 2016 and 2017
The 1,128 MW of wind power awarded in yesterday´s tender adds to the role of wind power in meeting the 2020 target. The instalóation of these projects will translate into investments in excess of 4.5 billion Euros and the creation of between 25,000 to 30,000 jobs during construction The 1,128 MW of wind power awarded in yesterday´s tender adds to...
The Spanish Wind Energy Association calls companies, banks and authorities to do their best so that the winning projects in the Spanish auctions are installed in time
Juan Diego Díaz, chairman of the Spanish Wind Energy Association, said that ''the success of the auctions come when the winning projects go online''. In his speech at the opening session of the Third Spanish Wind Energy Congress, he said that ''in the case of the auctions celebrated in Spain, it is necessary that projects are ready on December...
Guide for the use of ropes in vertical work
The present Guide sets out to establish criteria for rope work access and positioning techniques in the wind sector based both on the INSHT guidelines and on consensus between the wind sector and the National Association of Vertical Work Companies (Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Trabajos Verticales-ANETVA). AEE has elaborated this guide in...
Best practice guide to work in confined spaces. Blades
Best practice guide to work in confined spaces (Blades) seeks to set out the recommendations to be followed by both the company and the workers when accessing the interior of a blade, whatever its location, whether it is located in the production plant, being installed or already assembled as part of the wind turbine. AEE has produced this guide...
Wind Power 13. All the data, analysis and statistics of the wind sector
This new edition of Wind Power 13, yearbook of reference for the sector, has as well as a complete report on wind power in Spain and abroad, an analysis of the situation of the Spanish wind energy industry as a world referent - due to the world"™s leadership of the Spanish companies and the grid integration- and some chapters dedicated to the...