Grid Integration

  • It follows every wind power network integration meetings into the net. Both from wind farms compulsory technic requirements’ point of view and from its technic operation experience
  • This group joins Verification Technic Committee (VTC), founded to follow the PO 12.3 fulfillment and later, used for PO 12.2 SENP and former AEE infrastructures working group in order to follow-up of the 2016-2020 plan and its annual changes. In addition, as well as the following of operations, because of the PO 3.7 enforcement and adjustment markets and the implantation of continuous interday market
  • It prepares network integration working group meetings, which are held, at least, once a year
  • A very deep technic working team. So as to have a good development, is needed AEE partners’ technicians take part in this working group.

See more documents at your Members Area

If you want to join this working group, you can contact us at the following email address: