AEE Informa. 21 de abril de 2017

13 de agosto de 2012

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Madrid, August 13, 2012. The wind industry installed 413 MW in Spain in the first half of 2012, representing 14% less than the same period last year, according to the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE). On June 30 the total capacity stood at 22,087 MW.

2012 is being an unusual year for the industry due to several reasons: first, it is the last year of the Register of Pre-Assignation, so developers have to be quick to instaló all the megawatts that they were not able to build on previous years. There are about 1,200 MW in the Register for the whole of 2012, out of them, more than 500 MW have trouble being built before the registration deadline (December 31, 2012) for reasons largely unrelated to the will of the sector, such as the breach of planning of the transmission system, the delay in distribution lines or administrative difficulties.

The moratorium for new facilities imposed on the renewable energy sector since the Royal Decree-Law 1/2012 was approved in January implies that the megawatts included in the Register are the last to be installed in Spain under the Royal Decree 661/2007, the regulation currently governing the sector. In practice, as the registered megawatts are to be installed in 2012, there are no future projects, and manufacturers have not received new orders for wind turbines for the domestic market this year: the situation in the country is unsustainable and is forcing them to consider their stay in Spain.

A total of nine regions installed wind power capacity in the first half of the year. Castille and Leon was the one that built the most, with 144 MW, followed by Catalonia -119 MW- and Murcia -50 MW-. The regions have more than 9,000 MW awarded in tenders that are not included in the Register of Pre-Assignation, so we do not know when, where or how they will be installed.

During the first half of the year, wind power covered 19.5% of the electricity demand in Spain «“AEE´s calculations-, with a total production of 28,840 GWh, according to data from Red Eléctrica de España (REE).

The wind sector is concerned about the energy reform announced by the Government. The information we have so far indicates that, among others, new tax measures for wind power are being considered. The sector, which is already the one that supports the highest number of energy taxes in Spain and is also among the ones that suffer the biggest tax burden in Europe, has warned that a higher tax will seriously compromise its solvency and survival. Hence why, the sector is repeatedly claiming a dialogue with the government to negotiate fair and proportionate measures that do not jeopardize their future.

Source: AEE

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