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Madrid, 20th June, 2017. Juan Diego Díaz, chairman of the Spanish Wind Energy Association’s (AEE under the Spanish acronym) said that «the success of the auctions come when the winning projects go online». In his speech at the opening session of the Third Spanish Wind Energy Congress, he said that «in the case of the auctions celebrated in Spain, it is necessary that projects are ready on December 2019 so as to count for 2020 goals. The deadline is tight and it is all the player’s responsibility that they are ready on time. Although most of the weight is on the shoulders of the auction’s winning companies, manufacturers will have to strive in order to serve the turbines on time. Banks and investment funds have to be up to the challenge so that financing comes quickly. In the hands of regional and local authorities is that permits speed up. And in those of the TSO, REE, that infrastructures are ready. In AEE we do not doubt that everybody will do their best so that the process is a success, so that investments and jobs so needed in Spain become a reality and we come near 2020 goals», he added.
Both Secretary of State of Energy, Daniel Navia, and Secretary of State of Commerce, María Luisa Poncela, that also participated in the opening session, highlighted the efforts of the wind power sector in its competitiveness, internationalization and industrialization.
Even if AEE’s chairman showed his satisfaction because of the comeback of local activity to the industry after some years when the manufacturers have export 100% of the Spanish production -in 3 years only 65 wind power megawatts have been installed in Spain-, he insisted on the fact that there still are problems. «If in December 2019 the Government revises downwards the reasonable profitability of the existing and future projects, the impact on the sector will be important and it could leave companies in a vulnerable economic situation».
Díaz said that Spain’s energy transition must be «orderly, without brusque movements that lead to radical changes in the regulatory model». In his opinion, it is necessary to have an Energy Planning that goes further than 2020 and takes into account Europe’s 2030 goals and the Paris Agreement for 2050, with a calendar of auctions that give long term visibility to companies. In order to comply with its decarbonisation commitments, Spain should instaló 15,000 new wind power megawatts up to 2030 (including projects that have already won the auctions), «integrating them with other efficient technologies so that the correct functioning of the system is guaranteed. This would have clear benefits for Spain in terms of economy, environment and job creation».
Díaz highlighted the need to adapt taxing to the necessities of a secure and efficient energy transition. «In a context of more and more competitive auctions, Spanish regions (comunidades autónomas) should stop looking at wind power as the cow they can go on milking and eliminate theoretically enviromental taxes that hide zeal to collect taxes, like wind power levies».
AEE defends that the energy transition must be done with all the Parliament’s consensus, so that it endures. «The political moment is with no doubt appropriate».
AEE’s chairman referred to the important effort of internationalization done by the Spanish wind power sector: today 10% of the capacity installed in the world belongs to Spanish companies, 12% of the turbines have come from facilities in Spain, a fact that has created 90,000 jobs all over the world. «We cannot forget that Spain is the fifth country in wind power installed capacity, the fourth turbine exporter and the seventh in wind patents», he said. And he highlighted the support the sector has always found in ICEX (Instituto de Comercio Exterior), «that has opened us so many doors in so many markets». This is the reason why this year AEE’s Annual Distinction goes for this institution.
Secretary of State of Energy, Daniel Navia, said that the Government’s will is to «accelerate deadlines as much as possible in the next auction so that wind power can compete in equal conditions», which shows «our will to maintain technological neutrality». He assured that in this new phase «Energy Planning will have more weight», and that this Planning should come from the consensus of all political parties and sectors, so that «we design policies that endure».
Secretary of State of Commerce, María Luisa Poncela, thanked AEE for ICEX’s distinction and said that «we dedicate efforts and care to the wind power sector because it is one of the distinguishing marks of Spain’s brand». She highlighted the important tractor effect of the sector and that it is one of the pioneers in entering the digital age, with the ability to detect and supervise incidences in the long distance, to predict wind, etcetera. And she expressed her will to continue «syndicating with you the risk and accompanying you in finding and profiting from opportunities all over the world».
The Spanish Wind Power Congress has been again the meeting point for all the sector. This year the Guest Country was Argentina. The VIP sponsors have been EDP Renováveis, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Vestas, Enel Green Power e Iberdrola cómo patrocinadores VIP. Acciona sponsored the Sector’s Dinner and Gas Natural Fenosa, the lunch.
The Spanish Wind Power Association (AEE) is the voice of the wind sector in Spain. With near 200 associates, it represents more than 90% of the sector.
Inauguration of the 3rd Spanish Wind Power Congress. From left to right, María Luisa Poncela, Secretary of State of Commerce; Daniel Navia, Secretary of State of Energy; and Juan Diego Díaz, AEE´s president.
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